Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer (Psalm 19:14).

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Sixth Sunday of Easter - May 1

Tourist or Traveler on the Way?
Acts 16:9-15

Ever since I was in seminary, I’ve subscribed to the Christian Century.  It’s actually published here in Chicago.  It’s a great source for religious news, faithful analysis and thoughtful reflections.  Its subtitle is “Thinking Critically. Living Faithfully.”  I want to share with you a commentary that appeared in the most recent issue.  It is related to today’s readings, especially the reading from Acts.

I found it very thought provoking.  And I hope it will provoke thought for you.  Or provoke conversation.  Or provoke soul searching.  It’s meant to be provocative, I think.  And if you find yourself reacting, maybe that’s a place to look prayerfully at your own life.  It’s by the relatively new publisher, Peter Marty.   He also serves as Senior Pastor of a large Lutheran church in Iowa.


Tourist and Traveler

Early Christians used the Greek word hodos, or "the way," to describe the literal and figurative paths their lives followed. The wise men returned to their home country "by another road." Jesus' disciples spoke of what happened to them "along the way” to Emmaus.

Hodos could also refer to a way of life. Jesus points to John the Baptist as one who came “in the way (hodos) of righteousness.” By the end of the book of Acts, we find Christians referring to their whole communal life in Christ as “the Way."

According to John's Gospel, Jesus told his followers, "l am the way." This expression contrasts sharply with "I am the answer," something many Christians assume he must have said but didn’t. The difference between the two self-descriptions is huge.  The former invites grand adventure and openness to all of the ambiguities and doubts that go with a journey along uncertain paths. The latter suggests a packaged arrangement-a relationship involving little risk.

In his book Hidden History: Exploring Our Secret Past, Daniel J. Boorstin explains the historical difference between a traveler and a tourist. In previous centuries, travelers were those interested in unfamiliar settings and wild encounters that enlarged perspective. "The traveler was active; he went strenuously in search of people, of adventure, of experience," writes Boorstin. In contrast, "The tourist is passive; he expects interesting things to happen to him. He goes sightseeing." Tourism, in this historian's assessment, is a spectator sport full of contrived, prefabricated experiences.

The root words for travel and tourist informed Boorstin's study. Travel comes from the same word as travail, meaning trouble, work, or even torment. A traveler takes risks, plunges into diverse cultures, and seeks to learn local customs.  Unplanned experiences are the traveler's norm, sometimes involving challenging exploits. Travelers eat whatever food is placed before them. They aim to learn as much of the language as possible. Shopping for souvenirs plays no role in their ventures.

A tourist sacrifices less. The word tour from the Latin tornus— tool for making circles—literally means "one who goes in circles." A tourist is a pleasure seeker who passes through different exotic experiences only to return to a comfortable bed at night. Insulated from the noise, the smells, and the local people, a tourist's circle is complete once back home unpacking mementos and sharing photos.

I wonder if congregations are full of travelers and tourists. Travelers would be those who come to immerse their lives and refocus their values. They want to breathe the language of faith and know the way of Christ, even if travail may be part of the bargain. The tourists show up for a more passive experience, happy to drop in when they are in the mood. They spectate and consume, glad that the donuts taste fresh.

I suppose we all have to choose the spiritual road or path that works for us. Will ours be a journey rich in wild mystery, full of unknowables and incomprehensibles? Or will it be a safer path where we pick up a word here and a phrase there, making a few social connections along the way?


Paul was clearly a traveler.  In today’s passage from Acts he receives a vision calling him to take the Gospel to Macedonia.  So he leaves where he is, gets in a small boat, and sets out across the Aegean for a foreign land.

This reflection really challenges us to ask just one question:  What way, what path is Jesus calling us to follow?  For each of us, as individuals, there is an answer to that question.  What path is each of us to follow as a disciple of Christ?

At first I thought the challenge was just to take the road “less traveled.”  But all we know about that way is that it is unpopular, not necessarily that it is the Christian way.

Or maybe, when we face a decision point, we are to take the more challenging road.  Maybe, maybe not.  Just because it is challenging does not mean Jesus leads us there.

The question is:  Where is Jesus leading you?  What path are you called to take as a follower of Christ?  And, yes, it may be an unpopular or challenging way.  But it will also be full of grace, rich in mystery, abounding in wonder and accompanied by Christ.

So let us pray that, as we follow the way of Christ today, we may be travelers, not tourists.