Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer (Psalm 19:14).

Monday, August 27, 2012

Blessing of the Backpacks

Litany of Thanksgiving

For our minds and the ability to think and reason;
We thank you, Lord. 

For the passion and dedication of all who teach;
We thank you, Lord. 

For the gifts of wonder and creativity and the vision to see you, Lord, in things that are new;
We thank you, Lord. 

For schools and the opportunity learn;
We thank you, Lord. 

For our friends at school, who share the good times and the hard times with us;
We thank you, Lord. 

For our families, for their love and support;
We thank you, Lord. 

For computers and calculators and all the other tools that help us learn and explore;
We thank you, Lord. 

For words and stories and ideas and the chance to share them with others;
We thank you, Lord. 

For music and art and drama and joy;
We thank you, Lord. 

For games and times of recreation and renewal;
We thank you, Lord. 

For all those people who help us learn and all those whom we are able to help;
We thank you, Lord. 

For our own unique gifts and talents and the opportunity to use them in your service;
We thank you, Lord. 

God of power and hope, we pray your blessing upon these backpacks, on the students who carry them and on all students and teachers everywhere. Bless us all in our vocation as learners, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.